Saturday, October 31, 2009
End of Week 2
On Mon, I received news that there isn't any Japanese tutorials as our previous tutor isn't eligible to teach anymore. So both classes cancelled and postponed to Sat. I was happy cos there's only 2 days which I have classes. But bad news y'day.. we're using the original timetable again. Oh man!! Back to 4 days again. Supposed there's a quiz this week during tutorial, but with both classes cancelled, not sure when's the test gonna take place. Blessing in disguise!! I haven't fully memorising the Hiragana & Katakana characters yet cos most of the time I wasted on online stuff. Sigh.. myself to blame.. didn't use the time available wisely.
On Tues, Eric Ong made several ammouncements.. one on Apple Tart + Muffin Bake N Make, another on the Mooncake Festival (which happened y'day). I've offered to help in both the events, confirmed I'll be in Utar for Mid-Autumn celebration but unsure whether wanna go 4 the Bake N Make. Reason is it's on Thu night and usually I go to CGBC for service every week. So I asked for some advice & prayed to God as well. In the end, I decided to put God as my top priority. Hee.. happily I went for church service.
On Wed, Spelling Bee competition. Not much to comment though cos I wasn't there at all. Wanted to go but it's raining heavily outside. Anyway, heard that those participated had fun despite they didn't win.
As for Fri, no classes for me but I went to Utar to help out at the CF booth during the Mooncake Festival celebration. Enjoyable & entertaining I can say... lots of preformances, food and drinks.. most of the booths run by several clubs & societies close shop around 9.30pm cos the items they're selling were being sapu-ed away very fast (CF being the fastest as far I can notice). God blessed the event indeed, it was raining heavily while the celebration's on. The event ends around 10.30pm.
Today, we continue learning Japanese. But there's a change of venue and lecturer for us EL students. Previously we're under Mr Naha & his classes at DDK5, then we're told to switch to DDK4 and our new lecturer is Ms Chong. She teaches better, I can say. Oh, previously I was in the same class as Yik Kuan & Vivien, now with the switch, I'm in the same class together with Amelia & Isabelle instead.
Ok, gotta go now. Need to familiarise myself with the Japanese characters. I can rmb those Hiragana characters but not so well yet. As for Katakana, it looks a little simpler than Hiragana but still I need to get them into my head as I proceed learning Japanese.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Lots of food, perfomances... it's simply amazing.. the event is organised by several clubs & societies namely Accounting Society, Chinese Language Society, Christian Fellowship Society, English Language Society, International Friendship Society, Chinese Orchestra Unit, Entreprenuership Society.
Except for the orchestra, the other societies set up stalls in the Cafeteria, selling varieties of food and drinks. All the items are purchased using coupons. There's one stall selling these coupons for RM5/booklet, lanterns and mineral water.
The event begins at 7.30pm and lots of students are seen moving from one stall to another to buy food. I helped out at the CF booth at first, but all the apple tarts & banana muffins made the previous night were sold out b4 9pm. So laku!! Other stalls also tutup kedai early too cos the items they promote finished off very fast. Then, I helped out at the ELS booth, helping out to sell chrysanthemum tea (other items like curry & kaya puffs, doughnuts & sambal buns habis also).
Lots of interesting & entertaining performances during the event.. it started off with the Chinese Orchestra, then wushu, belly dance etc.. the last performance is from the Chinese CF.. Vincent Ling led two girls to sing some hymns.. before they begin, all the CF members prayed together.. the MCs of the event ends tonite's celebration & everyone start balik rumah masing-masing. And I praise the Lord for gracing the celebration with His showers of blessings.
Editor's Note: There isn't any photos to show for this exciting event.
Short-lived joy
Originally all Japanese lectures & tutorials fall on Sat only.. now change back to the original timetable i.e tutorials on Mon & Wed from 6.00-7.30pm and lectures from 8-10am & 10.30-12.30am on Sat. What abt the quiz supposed to take place this week? Had to be postponed, no choice. Gotta find replacement. Sigh!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Life goes on...
Today, while on the way to school, I am stopped by the security guard. He says my motorbike sticker cannot be used cos expired. So I have to U-turn balik to get my bicycle. Then after the first lecture, I cycle home to get my motorbike sticker and rushed back to school. Go DSA to change for a new one but I tell the officer-in-charge I've applied online too. Silly me! My sticker was applied on yearly basis in Jan semester. So it's a waste!
Went home. Relax a while then go Ghany for dinner with Calvin & the gang. Then CF meeting!! Weeeee..... Calvin led the worship, then Eric Ong welcomes everyone back in CF. Glad to see Mr K back too after his wedding. Several newcomers here... Esvini, Kar Ling, Wendy Lee, Konnee among them. Daniel also comes this time. Bible study time; this time we continue where we stop during last semester. Lesson of the day: Jesus Walking on Water. After that, everyone back in the meeting room. Several announcements made... there's Mooncake Festival in Utar Cafeteria this Friday, jointly organised by several clubs & societies. Oh ya, CF Kampar now has a blog too. Hee... Calvin closed the meeting with a word of prayer, then we dismiss.
Spelling Bee competition tmr... 4.00pm-7.30pm at EDK5. Previously I mentioned that I qualified for the competition abt 2 months ago (refer to my earlier post Through), not sure whether I have to pay 2 bucks for entering since I'm 1 of the top 5. Will do my best tmr.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Only 2 long days of classes
I have only two days which have classes.. Tues (MLE) & Sat (Japanese)... oh my goodness!! how abt the rest of the days.. more free time for me to... focus on my studies la... heard from Eugene that Japanese tutorials changed to Sat but time n place not confirmed yet.
Also, I'm doing MasterLife discipleship training this time around... apart from the 2 days I have classes, I'll spend the rest of the days doing the Disciple's Cross as there's 5 days for each week on different topics.
I spent the whole day in my room until 7pm cos Japanese tutorial cancelled. Then went dinner with PC, KLynn, Patty & Pei Lee. Cell starts with ice-breaker & Jessie led the worship. During the weekend, a few brothers & sisters went on a mission trip to separate places. Pictures & a video being shown b4 Richard Ng shared abt his experience there. The day went on with all the ppl divided into 3 grp led by PC, KLynn & Pei Lee.
During the sharing time, Pei Lee shared her struggles in life from secondary school up to university to her teaching career in Utar. She was a Utarian too a couples of yrs back, and she told her grp that how she hated Utar at the beginning. But amazingly, God changed her perspective and she's here in Utar, teaching PR students. One thing I wanna highlight from her sharing is that while she was studying in Utar Setapak, she mentioned in her student bill, there's this item called development fees. For what development, u wonder? She explained it was the development of Utar Kampar, which is where I am now. What? Utar asking students to pay rm300 just for the development of the main campus? PHAIL! Really epic PHAIL man!
Tmr gonna be a long day for me (again).. so see u around peep. Roger and out!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Utar memang PHAIL!!!
From the time I started studying here, the timetable was quite okay. But as time goes on, I find the timetables were not properly organised, getting worse one trimester after another. Sum students have classes until 8pm.. sum days have only one class.. sumtimes students have to be in the university for the whole day.. wide gaps in btwn classes. Exam timetable also not organised either, last trimester I have 5 papers in 8 days. Though I can go home earlier but the hectic schedule limits study time of me & my fellow coursemates. I heard from sum frens that they have papers in 2 or 3 straight days or 2 papers in a single day or 12 days gap btwn 2 papers (no names mentioned of those I mean, u know who u r). Totally unfair!! And totally PHAIL!!
And for this trimester, it's a total mess-up. Excluding BM, I have evening classes on Mon & Wed and 2 days where I have to spend the whole day at school. And for Saturday itself, we have to attend 6 hours of Intro to Japanese lectures, according to the timetable given, instead of 4 as the subject is a 3 credit hrs subject. I dun understand why this happens. Mr Krishnan has to come to help Mr Naha Rajan & us EL students to solve the problem. We attended the 1st lecture from 8-10am, but unsure whether to follow our timetable or not. After negotiating with other students, Mr Rajan asked us to come at 2.30pm and cancel the 5-7pm class. But he started the class late cos need to wait for a new grp of students to arrive. He carried on with the lecture and before he ends the class with Q & A session abt Japan. He asked EL students to come from 8-10am n 12-2pm for his lectures next week onwards. Another PHAILure of Utar!!
One last thing is that Utar hired a full-time working adult as our part-time tutor for the same subject. Wth!! Just b'cos of shortage of lecturer for Japanese, they have to ask experienced Mr Chirstopher Ng to handle our tutoiral classes. Now, he can't teach us anymore cos he has a permanent job. PHAIL!!! And that leave us unsure abt our tutorial classes on Mon & Wed. But Mr Rajan suggests that we come on Sat for our tutoirals. This MIGHT happens but depends on situations. If that does happen, it means that we have only two days of classes whereas those taking Chinese have 3. I've no ideas wats gonna happen next but Utar is epic PHAIL man!!
I know I shouldn't say all these things out as this may defame Utar's reputation but I have my own rights to voice out my opinions & feelings. It's just not fair to me as a student here.
End of Week 1
Except for Thurs, I had to go to Utar every day... this trimester I'm taking 2 subjects only i.e MLE & Intro to Japanese. Went for 1st BM lecture but left the lecture hall within 15 minutes.. cos the lecturer kindly asked those got credit (6C and above) in BM to kindly leave.
And I missed my 1st class within this week, right on the 2nd day. I've set my alarm but switched it off and continued to sleep. Another thing is that I paid the price for not seizing golden opportunities that appear in front of me. As a result, I didn't get to do presentation on Victor's Last Wish by Kris Jitab, the short story which the theme is discrimination of the skin colour.
CBGC services and CG are on again, yay! This time, we're doing discipleship training for Monday's cell. And on Thurs, I met a few frens whom I have not seen them 4 quite sumtimes. Among them were Melissa Jane and Jaclyn who has returned to Kampar after completing their internship trainings. There were sum newcomers as well, and I was surprised & shocked when I heard Vivien Chang's name.
As for today, I spent whole day in the varsity cos have to attend Intro to Japanese lectures. But it was a bad day and almost spoilt my learning mood. Not anything bad happens to myself but it was Utar's fault of arranging our timetable. Intro to Japanese is a 3-credit hour subject, but according to the timetable we EL students received, we have to attend 3 lectures of 2 hrs each, while other students (PR & some JR) only have two classes on their timetable. It's unfair!! Because of this matter, HOD of Language & Linguistics Mr Krishnan had to step in to help solve the problem together with Mr Rajan, our lecturer.
Anyway, I managed to relax & cool myself down. Went shopping in Tesco with few coursemates after brunch. Then just now I attends Utar Taekowndo Club's annual dinner in one of the Harvard houses. (FYI I signed up for this club last yr, thought of learning sum martial arts but only attended the meetings and not the training sessions). Met a few new frens there... including Konnee, the girl who SMSes me abt the event y'day.. she's the secretary of the club and to my surprise, she's Shirley Kwong's senior.
Confession time: Ever since I come back to Kampar on 15 Oct, I spent most of my time here onlining... sumtimes even online for long hours... only get to sleep around 2.30am.. apart from checking mails and Facebooking, recently I spent my time on the Warriors forums, interacting with other Warriors fans around the world. Haiz... I should've spend more time reading my MLE books n practise writing n memorising Hiragana n Katakana characters. There's asgnmts n presentations as well.. so busy.. guess I've to spend more time doing the right thing at the right time and lesser time on unnecessary things like the Warriors forums.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hee... supposed today I have Bahasa Kebangsaan (A) lecture from 8-11am and 5-8pm, but u wonder why I still have time blogging.
Haha.. lemme tell u la, I am allowed to leave cos I got a credit for BM in SPM. This morning, I wake up around 7.30am, getting ready to attend the BK lectures although I've applied for unit exemption last week. When I reach there, I am like lost cos I don't see any of my friends there. In the end, I feel relieved when Shao-Chin and Pei Ching enter DDK5.
Pn Hanisah, lecturer for this subject, kindly asks those who obtained credit in SPM to leave. I see many students start leaving the lecture hall (me inclusive). Before I leave, I asks Pn Hanisah whether I can leave as my exemption application has not been approved yet. She assures me and the rest that we can leave. Thanks, Pn Hanisah!
With no classes for the rest of the day, I can relax a while first, then I'll continue reading my MLE materials or practising writing and pronouncing Japanese characters and greetings (those things I've learnt during Japanese tutorials on Mon & Wed).
Tmr gonna be another long day.. 3 Japanese lectures for the whole day, from 8am-7pm (with interval in btwn the lectures). Ok back to work. Dewa mata (see you in Japanese). Roger and out!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What a day!!
Haiz... missed my very first class right on the 2nd day the new trimester.. reason: overslept again!! I went to bed around 1.30am this morning, but I couldn't sleep until 3am. Somehow, I managed to get some sleep la.. set my alarm at 7am cos MLE lecture at 8am. And I switched it off when it rang but instead of getting up, I rest for a little while more. Mana tau, I tertidur lebih pulak.. the time around 10am when I woke up again.
Gah! Myself to blame. Nvm, went to varsity to consult Mr Lim (my MLE lecturer) for what he taught in the morning class. Then, the day went on. At the end of 2nd lecture, he asked both Y2S2 and Y2S3 students to fill up the schedule of presentation. Each student has to work with a partner and choose one or two topics to present. Somehow, I hesitated cos couldn't find a partner (the rest are paired up dy). As a result, the topic I want to do, Victor's Last Wish, is being chosen by my other classmates. Sigh!!
Decided to do the presentation with Monica again, but she was absent and cannot be reached thru phone. A little frustrated... nvm just get on it, I told myself. So I chose 2 topics to present first - 1 on Lee Kok Liang's novel Flowers in the Sky & the other Shirley Lim's poem What the Fortune Teller Didn't Tell. Managed to reach her in the end but haven told her the topics I chose yet.
Anyway, there's presentations during tutorials.. Betty presented on K S Maniam's Haunting the Tiger while Steffy & Bee Ling explained abt Journey by Shirley Lim. By the way, the presentation doesn't carry any marks. The real coursework marks come from the 2 asgnmt we gonna complete within 7 weeks. First one on fiction, another on poetry. We're to work in grps of 4 or 5. I've decided to work with those girls in T1 as I seldom have the chance to do so. Hee.. so I joined Ivy, Joey, Pamela (Mei Yun) & Grace (Yin Mun) for 1st term paper. As for the 2nd, I requested to do the asgnmt tgt with the Smart Quartet - Ann, Jan, Manmeet & Renjie, but they haven't agree yet whether to allow me to join them.
Then went home, getting ready to go CF meeting. Hee.. reached there 'round 8.15pm, had some time chit-chatting with other members cos long time din c each other dy ma. Shu Ern led the worship with few songs mostly in Malay. Then Eric Ong took over and welcomed everyone back to CF. Yay!
A slideshow on the last meeting of the previous trimester plus CF combined camp shown. Glad those 38 ppl went had a gr8 time there. Eric then explained what's in store for CF members in this short trimester ( most of the ppl there having short trimester there, except a few). Then all members were being requested to take some time to fill in the CF feedback form. Later more photos and videos on CF camp were shown. One video on the sharing by those campers abt the camp. Half way, Shirley's laptop jammed a few times. PHAIL!!
Had a gr8 fellowship with friends during refreshment time. Then balik rumah... preparing for the next day.
Lesson learnt
Grab hold of every opportunity available before it slips away.
Things to ponder and reflect
Sleep & wake up early.
Have proper time management.
Monday, October 19, 2009
First day of new trimester
Shirley (holding the microphone) praying for Lishia
Tada.. Lishia's birthday cake
And here's the birthday girl. Happy belated birthday, Lishia! May God bless u always!
After that, sharing time. A few ppl who went for the Amazing Race camp shared abt what they've learnt during the 3-day camp. Then, all those ppl there received The Disciple's Cross, a book abt discipleship. Yup, we're doing discipleship training this trimester. Gotta start doing the training tmr.
8am class tmr till 6.30pm. Oh boy, it's gonna be a long day tmr! But, there's something to cheer me up after that - CF 1st meeting, 8.30pm at WMC. Can't wait to meet the CF sesat gang again!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A brand new trimester
2 subjects this trimester: Intro to Japanese and MLE. Actually, there's 3 but the other one's BM. Exemption form sent to FAS FGO 2 days ago. Waiting for results in 2 weeks.
Came back to Kampar on Thu night, and most of my time spent online-ing. I was supposed to finish reading my MLE books. Done 2 (We Could **** You, Mr Birch and Spirit of the Keris), left with Lloyd Fernando's Green is the Colour. Gotta finish the last book ASAP. Ciao!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Results out...
For past few days la.. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for my own results after hearing the Foundation had got theirs dy. So I thought the degree students shoud get theirs as well.
Mana tau, every time check Intranet, results not out yet woh.. y'day langsung cannot access Intranet, although heard results already out la.. frustrated,but nvm can check next time
Today, I tried checking my results again. This time I managed to retrieve my results la.. much better than previous trimesters la... GPA 2.95, CGPA 2.62.. satisfied but there's room for improvement.. so I'm gonna be more hardworking from next trimester.. so I'm aiming to do better i.e. getting at least 3.0 for both GPA & CPGA.
Only 2 subjects this coming trimester: M'sian Literature in English & Intro to Japanese (there's BM as well but I'm gonna get exemption for this). A brand new trimester, brand new challenges ahead but I'm gonna overcome them & run to win the race!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Whoa... what a discovery
Just now, after going to Ipoh GH for regular skin check-up, I followed my dad to the KWSP (Kumpulan Simpanan Wang Pekerja or EPF- Employee Provident Fund) Ipoh branch. He has some business to do there. He wanted to print out his annual EPF statement, with me beside observing la. After he's done, he asked me to try putting my IC into the kiosk for testing woh. He said it's part of learning, anyway he believed that I don't have account there.
But unexpectedly, it turned out that I have an existing account with KWSP. I myself also cant believe it. But the address printed on my statement doesn't match with my home address. Upon enquiry, the address is actually the 7-Eleven HQ. It reminds me the time when I worked in 7-E Bkt Jelutong branch while staying with my aunt last yr. So I decided to do pindaan alamat, changing the address stated to my home address. After my dad has enquired what he wanted, we then cabutlah.
Hee.. heading back to Kampar soon... cos my short trimester 'bout to begin... so CGBC gang, CF sesat gang & EL gang, WAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Amazing Race camp - Day Three
Today last day of the Amazing Race camp. Sob sob.. the camp coming to an end. Anyway, the day must go on with a time for devotion. Topic of the discussion: staying in the race. This time, all 4 teams gathered at the garden in front of the dewan. Let us strip off every weight that slow us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our faith on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith (Hebrews 12: 1-2). Then, time for Pit Stop where all campers shared abt they've learned thru this camp. After devotion, grp photos of all the teams were captured as memory.
Later, time for breakfast, then followed by the last session. Koon Eu was in-charge of the ice-breaking session. Then, time for worship. Eugene began by singing the song One Way. "One way, Jesus! You're the only one that I could live for." While singing this song, I did the actions for the line 'One way, Jesus!' Really enjoyed dancing while singing. GG Gene end the session by introducing a new song entitled Everything by Tim Hughes (check my earlier posts for the lyrics of the song).
Time to hear the sermon from Bro Joseph for the very last time. In the last leg, he preached abt how to finish our race well. He brought forward a case study on Eli in his sermon. He led the Israelites for 40 yrs and was the chief priest of the temple appointed by the Lord, but his 2 sons didn't know abt God and they "were worthless men".
As we begin the race of life, we should know how to finish it well.
Then, he asked Eugene to sing the last song Everything again, while he prayed for all brothers and sisters, asking God to be everything in the life of everyone there. During this session, I could not hold on my tears and wept. On normal occasion, I won't cry even if I feel sad. But dunno why, while singing Christian hymns esp those touching ones, my tears would appear. Among the songs that touched my heart are Come Holy Spirit and To the ends of the earth.

PC presenting a souvenir to Bro Joseph
Afterwards, Bro Joseph ended Leg 4 with a word of prayer, thus bringing the whole camp to an end. By the time he finished praying, it's already past 12pm. Then, PC presented a souvenir to Bro Joseph, thanking him for willing to be the speaker for the camp. She also reminded all the campers to pack up and bring all their belongings to the dewan. While waiting for the bus to arrive, all the campers mingled with one another. Some even had a brief photo-taking session (I'm inclusive). Then, I took the opportunity to exchange contact numbers and e-mails with other campers.
Some of the photos I took that day:
A thorn btwn 4 lovely flowers
Me with the 4 group leaders (from left): Mun Yee (Hope), Shirley (Faith), Patty (Courage) & Pei Lee (Perseverance)

Me with my 2 'mums' KLynn (left) and PC (right)
Thanks for everything!! Luv u both!!

Triple A: (from left) Alvis, Anthony & Alex
During this time, some ppl went around to ask who was their encourager of the camp. Actually on the 1st day, we randomly picked the ppl we're supposed to encourage throughout the camp (something similar ot guardian angels). Both the guys and girls did the same for their same gender friends. Curiously, I wondered who's mine. Then, unexpectedly, the guy whom I supposed to encourage was the person who encouraged me as well. But sadly, both me and Hau Chia didn't do our parts well. But don't worry, we'll continue encourage each other even after the camp ok.
Actually, this caring thing happened for 2nd time in a row. I mentioned that I've joined the CF Heroes camp last yr. On the 1st day of the camp itself, all the campers randomly pick another person and be their guardian angels throughout the camp. What they needed to do was to guard and care for the person but they had to do it secretly (i.e. asking other ppl to pass whatever things or messages to that person). At the end of 2nd day after supper, all the campers shared their thoughts abt the camp and then time to reveal who's the guardian angel. All the ppl shared abt what their guardian angels did for them during the camp and the guardian angels reveals themselves. I noticed that the persons who cared for and cared by another person were totally different. But for me, I'm the guardian angel to a girl named Andrea Chan and coincidentally, to my surprise, she's my guardian angel as well.
Around 1.30pm, the bus came. And we left the campsite both happily and heavy-heartedly. Happy that the camp was over but the race of life continues after the camp. But feel sad at the same time cos we're leaving the NS campsite. Nvm, there's always some photos to reflect and ponder the time we've spent there. Balik kampung time. Weee... the bus dropped by Kampar first, then to Ipoh. Reached CBGC Campus Connect around 2.30pm. All (except Lishia, Sin Yee, Koon Yan & Stephen Chin who will be heading back to Ipoh that day) unboarded the bus together with their bags. Then, those remaining ones went for lunch at nearby eatery shop before going their separate ways. And I arrived at 1543 around 3pm. Thanks for sending me home, Shirley!
See u all back in Campus Connect soon!!!
Mr Kuek & Ms Cheng's wedding
Hee.. why I highlighted this event in my blog? Cos I'm part of the big CF family. So I'm happy for both of them, may their life after marriage will be filled with happiness. When I 1st joined CF last yr, I met Mr Kuek, a nice, handsome lecturer who teach FSET students. Then, I saw Ms Cheng in the 1st CF meeting during the Oct 2008 semester. Later, she became one of my lecturers when I was in Y1S2, teaching me Structure & Grammar of English II. I didn't know Mr Kuek (commonly known as Mr K by CF members) was in a relationship with the elegant-looking Ms Cheng until Mr K mentioned how he and Ms Cheng started dating.
Hmmm.... a brand new trimester 'bout to begin soon. I wonder will both of them take leave to go for their honeymoon? Or continue ot teach 1st then only go for honeymoon? How many children they plan to have? I have no idea... it's up to them to decide. Even if they choose to go honeymoon now, not to worry, Mr Marn Foo is still around. Anyway, may God bless their marriage with great abundance!!
Now that they're united as one, I'm little envious. Where's my other half? When she's gonna appear? Or she's just around me but I don't realise 'bout her existence? But I guess she'll appear when the timing is right according to God's plans. To my Ms Right, wherever u may be, I'll be waiting for u!
Everything - Tim Hughes
God in my living, there in my breathing
God in my waking, God in my sleeping
God in my resting, there in my working
God in my thinking, God in my speaking
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Verse 2
God in my hoping, there in my dreaming
God in my watching, God in my waiting
God in my laughing, there in my weeping
God in my hurting, God in my healing
Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me
The hope of glory
You are everything
Be my everything (x4)
You are everything (x4)
Jesus everything (x4)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A privileged visit to Perak MB's official residence
Actually, I was there with my parents to attend a function held there. It's Majlis Jamuan Hari Raya. And all the government servants in the state and their families were invited by Perak MB Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir for a Raya celebration. My mum is working in Lembaga Air Perak, therefore she was invited as well.
Around 7.40pm, we reached there and my dad parked the car at the carpark beside my alma mater, SMJK Sam Tet Ipoh. Wow, this is the 1st time for my dad and I going into the residence located opposite my secondary school.
As we walked into the MB's residence, I was amazed by the surroundings of the residence. Indeed an eye-opener for me. After getting our numbers for a lucky draw, we went to settle ourselves down at one of the tables there. While waiting for the VIPs to arrive, I glanced around. 90% of ppl there were Malays, this ain't an surprise cos most of the gov servants were Malays.
Around 8.15pm, Dr Zambry arrived tgt with his wife Datin Seri Saripah Zulkifli. After opening speech by the Perak MB, the function continued with presentation of scrolls to Dr Zambry by rep of government bodies. Several artistes belted out few songs to keep the crowd entertained. Then, the race for food began!! All the ppl started to rush to different stalls around the place where the event was held to get different delicacies available there. Nasi briyani, lemang, cendol just to name a few. A local comedian entertained the audience with his jokes.
After everyone had finished eating, time for lucky draw. Only 100 ppl who have lucky numbers picked by MB were rewarded with a hamper. But in the middle of the draw, some ppl started leaving. We left as well around 10.30pm.
What a great experience I had there. Will keep this visit as a memory for a lifetime that I have been there, even though I didn't snapped any photos.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Amazing Race camp - Day Two
Woke up around 7am. Getting ready for gym time (don't misunderstood, it's devotion time), I went to join my teammates in the dewan makan for devotion time. The other 3 teams were there too. Took abt an hour to discuss abt the great race. Run in such a way as to get the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24). People run to get a crown that will not last forever, but we're competing for the crown that last forever (v25). Therefore, do not run aimlessly(v26).
After devotion plus breakfast, Leg 2 began with Fast Forward (ice breaker by Alex Foo). Then, Daniel Chi led the worship session before Bro Joseph stepped in for his sermon. This time, he did a recap on the previous session where faith interstimulates conviction and the need for spiritual food. Then hepreached on conviction and in his sermon, a case study on Stephen was studied. A man full of faith of wisdom, Stephen defended the Gospel by handling entire crowd all by himself but eventually he was stoned to death. At the end of his sermon, Bro Joseph mentioned a few names and asked us do we know them, then he explained they're Christians too. Among the names mentioned were Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and Josh McDowell (I'm the only one heard abt this name, thanks to my participation in CF Heroes of Faith camp held in CheFoo Methodist Centre, Cameron Highlands last yr). Then, a shocking discovery: MAS CEO Datuk Idris Jala believes in Christ as well. I don't and CAN'T believe it!
After that, time for lunch. Then, everyone was supposed to wash their own plates and cups they've used after finishing their meals every time. But, Bro Joseph shared abt his love story with his wife (FYI his wife's a Chinese) and several members were listening to his romance story. Among them were Shirley, Patty, Pei Lee, Eugene & me. So Daniel, who was passing by, helped picked up and washed Eugene's and my plates. Thanks for the help, Daniel!
Group photo session. Wee... took out my phone to snap some photos. Snap, snap, snap.. apart from me, Shirley Lee was the other photographer. Took lots of photos during the session (check out my Facebook for those photos ok).
After that, all the campers were given some time to rest cos all of them were tired after yesterday's obstacle race. Some even went for jungle-trekking at nite. Then, we gathered again, this time ready for kayaking. This is my first time. Most of the campers were doing it for the 1st time too.. hee. After briefing by experts abt how to wear the safety jacket and do the kayaking properly, we started our race. Since there were 4 teams, 2 teams went into action first, followed by the other 2. The race was done in relay style, where all the members of a team were divided into 4 pairs (my team line-up: Patty-Jimmy, Alvis-me, Irena-Alex, Lishia-Mikey). Objective: to get into one side, then U-turn and get back to finish line. 1st team to reach the finish line 1st wins the round.
Courage (my team) was drawn to face Faith first, which means Hope engaged in another battle with Perseverance. The race began. In our race against Faith, we came from behind to win the round. I screwed up a bit and didn't follow Alvis' order, thus we're trailed behind Faith. But the 2 pairs after us managed to catch up and overtake them. In the end, by the time our last kayak reached the shore, the 4th boat of the other team had not leave the dock. Victory!
Hope vs Perseverance up next. This round was to decide our opponents in the next round. But Perseverance has only 6 ppl for this race (with Jack and Sin Yee not taking part). So KLynn helped out and John participated twice. Both teams were equally good but in the end, Perseverance pulled away and eventually won the race.
Then, came the final showdown: Courage vs Perseverance. This time, Perseverance imported Richard Ng from Faith and Eugene Goh from Hope for this round. At the beginning, Courage raced ahead. By the time the pair of Alvis-me reached the starting point, the 2nd pair of the team has not reached the other side yet. This time, I got it right and worked well with Alvis to give Courage the lead. But when I'm getting out of the kayak, suddenly Krak!! The sole of my left shoe almost came off. Oh dear! Guess I'll have to wear my sliippers for the rest of the camp.
Back to the race, after Irena-Alex gave our team a confortable lead, it's time for Lishia-Mikey to wrap up the race. But somehow, they couldn't co-operate with each other and squandered away the lead by allowing Yu Hsia-Richard and Eugene-John to catch up. It was a close fight in the end but Lishia-Mikey steered the kayak the wrong way, allowing Perseverance to edge Courage for victory. Anyway, well done to all 4 teams!

Then everyone went back to the dorms for a short break before moving on to the next event: Dunking Time! Wee... we're gonna have fun in a waterfall nearby. But before that, water baptism. This time, we have 3 candidates: Irena Chua, Chong Jialing & Charmaine Lok. PC and KLynn conducted the water baptism, then Bro Joseph prayed for the 3 sisters. Speaking abt water baptism, I was baptised 6 yrs ago in Emmanuel AOG Ipoh. The water baptism was conducted by Pastor Wendy Ching on Christmas Day.
1st candidate: Irena Chua Su-Yin

Look how happy Irena was!!
2nd candidate: Chong Jialing

3rd candidate: Charmaine Lok Jin Nee

Bro Joseph praying for the 3 sisters
The 3 sisters: (L-R) Irena, Charmaine & Jialing
After baptism, time to have fun in water!! Weee... all the ppl who witnessed the event went for a dip in the cool, refreshing water. Then, everyone started heading back to the campsite for a shower, preparing to have dinner.
Later, time for Leg 3. This time, Richard was in charge of the ice-breaking session. Then, Jessie took over the time for worship. This was the 3rd time she became the worship leader (she told me this when I asked her). Afterwards, Bro Joseph was back on stage for his message of the session: the importance of pit stops in our life. While running the race of life, sometimes we need to take a break and reflect on the past events, then plan strategies to continue the race till the end. The purpose of pit stops in the end of every leg of the race in the reality TV programme (hosted by Phil Keoghan) is to allow participants have a rest and strategise how to race to win the race and claim the prize.
After praying for several brothers and sisters, Bro Joseph prayed for Sis Ping Chin and Sis Kaye Lynn. God have indeed blessed us (CGBC Campus Connect) with these 2 wonderful sisters. With tireless efforts, they had planned and organised activites and events with great care. Bro Joseph said they were like mothers caring for their children. I really thank God for allowing me to get to know them. They've offered me valuable advice whenever I encounter problems. Their presence filled my world. After prayers, all the campers said thank you to both of them. Thanks for everything, my dear 'mamas'!!
What's next? Prize-giving ceremony. Time to announce the winners. Which team will emerge victorious? Faith? Sorry. Hope? That's not it. Perseverance? They could be the champs if there were more competitions. But too bad, they weren't either. And the overall winners were....

We were announced as overall champs after finishing 2nd both in the obstacle race and kayaking. Each one of us received a small clock as a reward. Sweet!! Not only us, the other 3 teams were winners too by joining the camp to know how to be a winner in the race of life, though they didn't win the race of the camp.
Supper time followed and then into the dreamland. Tomorrow last day. LIGHTS OUT!!!
Oh ya, I'd like to wish Calvin Nanthan a happy blessed birthday. Glad to have the chance to know u. All the best in everything u do! Take care & may God bless the sesat guy with great abundance!
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Amazing Race camp - Day One
On this day, woke up around 7.30am to get ready for the camp... well, actually I din get enuf sleep (though I went into dreamland very early) cos I'm too excited abt the camp that I can't wait for it to come
Anyway, I wasn't very sleepy at that time la. Hee.. had a quick wash-up, then breakfast. After having a final check on my luggage bag, I headed outside my house to wait for Shirley Lee to pick me up to CBGC (fellow camper Alex Foo called me the previous nite, asking me to wait for Shirley at 9.15am in front of my house). Then at 9.30, she came but she's not the driver (Eugene was driving). After getting my luggage into the car, off we go.
When we arrived there, several members were waiting there dy. We unloaded our bags n headed into the church. Around 10am, when everyone there, PC gave us a short briefing abt the things we need to know for the camp (rules, regulations & other info). All the campers were divided into 4 grps n Patty, Shirley Lee, Pei Lee & Mun Yee were appointed leaders for the 4 grps. Sum ppl (Alex, John, Koon Eu & Richard for the guys; Jessie, Jialing, Irena & Patty for the gals) were assigned to get the necessary items like bedsheets, pillow cases, blankets from the office after arriving at the campsite.
Around 10.15am, bus arrived. Wooo... time to begin the journey. During the journey, sum ppl start sum conversation while sum just enjoy the sceneries along the way. Then in less than an hour, we arrived at Kem Sentosa, Chenderiang - our destination. Everyone (carrying their own bags) gathered at the dewan.
Route Information time: The officials of Kem Sentosa gave us a short briefing abt the campsite. After that, PC took over and distributed the camp booklets to all the campers. Anxiously, everyone start checking which grp they're in. There were 4 grps: Courage (led by Patty), Faith (Shirley), Hope (Mun Yee) and Perseverance (Pei Lee). And I was in the Patty's grp, together with Alvis Lee, Alex Foo, Irena Chua, Jimmy Lok, Mikey & Lishia.
Here are the teams (leader's name italicised):


From left: Hau Chia, Daniel Chi, Richard Ng, Stephen Chin, Charmaine Lok, Chong Jialing, Angelin Tang, Shirley Lee

Standing (L-R): Isaac Chay, Eugene Goh, Koon Eu, Sam Kok Chung, Koon Yan
Back row (L-R): Esmond Goh, John Kim, Jack Choong, Huan Yang
Front row (L-R): Wei San, Yu Hsia, Pei Lee, Sin Yee
Lunch time followed. While waiting for the rain to stop, we had a birthday celebration for Esmond Goh (Eugene's brother). John, a former Hotel Management student at TARCollege Kampar, cut and distributed the cake to everyone.
Eugene: Blow the candles, Esmond!!
Esmond's birthday cake
PC praying for Esmond
Esmond posing with his birthday cake. Blessed birthday, Esmond! May God bless u always!
While John was busy cutting the cake, those assigned to get the necessary items went ahead to get 35 each for blankets, pillow cases and bedsheets (32 for the campers, 2 for PC & KL, 1 for the speaker). John was one of them, but I volunteered to take his place.
All the campers were separated into 2 dorms according to gender. Everyone had a short rest before getting ready for the race. KLynn explained how the race goes: all teams needed to get sum items into a bag and carried it along the way. If the bag touched the ground, a 3-pt penalty will be given to the team. Also, teams should stick together during the whole race.
LET THE RACE BEGINS!!!!!! All the four teams (of 7 ppl with Mikey, Jialing, Jessie & Mun Yee not playing) started the race by heading to assigned locations. However, Courage lost its way and paused to check the map. During this time, I was too anxious to find out where we're supposed to go until unaware of where I'm going. I had a small cut on both my legs and KLynn led me back to the dewan to let Mun Yee look at my injury. Oh crap! Is the race gonna be over for me? No way! Not even 5 minutes into the race, Courage was 1 man short. After Mun Yee washed and bandaged my injury, she told me that I can rejoin the race if I want. In the end, I've decided to finish the day's race together with the rest of my team. The obstacle courses was challenging and I managed to overcome them. The toughest obstacle for me was crossing the hanging log, where I've tried a few times trying to cross over but lost balance sumtimes. But thanks to my courage and determination plus support from my teammates, I've finally done it.
The final task in hand for all 4 teams was cooking eggs in the forest. We were the last team to go into the forest cos sum members had difficulty crossing the Monkey Rack obstacles. Using the items we picked up earlier plus additional items such as charcoal, we began our task. In btwn, while waiting for the eggs to be boiled, all the teams took a break by having a small picnic there. Then, Courage was the first team to leave the forest, leaving Hope, Faith & Perseverance behind. We thought we're gonna win this one, but due to some minor mistakes, we had to settle for 2nd place, with Faith winning the race, while Hope and Perseverance finished 3rd and 4th respectively.
After wash-up and dinner, time for first session of the camp. First a short ice-breaking by Irena followed by worship session (Check In). Pei Lee was the worship leader and she began by singing Hari Ini Ku Rasa Bahagia followed by few more songs. Then, PC introduced the speaker to us before handing the time over to Bro Joseph for his sermon (Yield Time). In the first leg, Bro Joseph talked abt faith and citing Abraham from the Bible as a case study. The Lord has asked him to leave his home and go to a place "he assigned him to go". He also promised Abraham a great nation, but the sad thing is both Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old. In the end, as promised by God, Sarah got pregnant and delivered Isaac. But Abraham faced his BIGGEST roadblock when God asked him to offer his only son as sacrifice to him.
After that, supper time. Then, some of the campers went for jungle-trekking at night (I'm one of them). Under the guidance of Encik Iskandar, 15 of us weaved through a jungle nearby the campsite. Great experience I had. Glad that I brought along my torchlight. But sumtimes, we didn't switch on our torches cos we had the natural torchlight (the moon) shining our way. After abt 1 hr plus, we exited the forest and return to our respective dorms. Sum campers still haven't slept yet, but I had a quick shower before going into dreamland, preparing for the next day. What a day!
Life is a race
Gained a lot of experience and invaluable lessons from the whole camp... the activities were quite fun and enjoyable esp the race on the first day (although I was the 1st one to get injured but it's just a small cut only la, not to worry)... great sharing by Bro Joseph Raj, the speaker of the camp... all his messages were related to the theme of the camp, The Amazing Race... during the camp, I couldn't hold on my tears sumtimes esp during worship sessions n wept but all the tears I've shed are for God.. so it's worthwhile
Here's the speaker... Bro Joseph Raj with his funny looks
Bro Joseph prayed for Sis Kaye Lynn (KLynn) & Sis Ping Chin (PC) for all their efforts in organising events & activities just for all members of CGBC Kampar. In the eyes of the members, these 2 wonderful sisters are like mothers to all of them. So I wanna express my appreciation by saying a Big Thank You to both KLynn & PC.
Editor's note: All the events & happenings throughout the camp will be shared in detail as well.
Return to Kampar safely around 3 in the afternoon.. now getting ready to go back hometown tmr morning... weeeeeeeeee... relax for 2 more week, then get ready for a brand new trimester.