Monday, August 31, 2009
Tanggal 31
Jalur Gemilang (lyrics)
12 hrs of fun time
Yesterday, around 5 sumthing.. Calvin sms-ed me.. wanna go makan later.. around 7pm.. meet at his house.. Eric, Kelvin Wong n few others (Sui Yen, Syanon, Shuyi) coming also.. I said ok lo.. then he messaged me again.. saying makan time change to 7.30pm.. fine lo.. so I waited until the time comes la.. then go meet up with him n the rest at his place first then decide to go makan
We decide to go makan at Kim Keong.. Eric n Syanon arrive a bit late la.. but we still had an enjoyable dinner la.. Eric even brought some board games.. Monopoly n Risk.. say wanna go Kelvin Wong's hse n play woh.. thought of joining them one.. but Calvin said enuf ppl dy.. 6 ppl to play (5 of them + Edmund) either one of them.. I join them also no use la.. onli can watch.. but nvm, since today is holiday.. so I decided to join them anyway.. so we finish dinner.. go pick up Edmund.. then we go play lo.. we waited for him to come back from his dinner la.. that time around 9pm la.. waited for few minutes la.. then he appears.. ok.. we can jalan dy.. then 1 of his frens wanna join us woh.. so we ajak him along la.. then off we go to Kelvin's place
While on the way, Kelvin say wanna go Wen Jie's hse for a while.. wanna let him fix computer woh.. after that, Kelvin ask Wen Jie whether he wanna join us for some board games.. Wen Jie agreed n tag along with us.. 9 ppl dy now.. can play both games dy lu... then Shuyi also join us.. cool.. 10 ppl.. 5 for each game.. so we all decide wat to play.. so Edmund, Eric, Syanon, Calvin n Kerk (Edmund's fren) played Risk.. while the rest (me, Kelvin Wong, Sui Yen, Wen Jie, Shuyi) Monopoly la
We decide to play quick game.. to save time la.. while the other side played world domination rather than doing missions.. let the game begins.. the quick Mompoly game go like this la.. each player were given some property cards at the beginning.. not free la.. had to pay according to price of properties.. we go one round first.. cannot buy anything or take any chance or community chest cards if the tokens landed in any of these squares.. second round baru start buying properties.. we play, play, play la..somehow, all of us managed to get all the properties of the same colour la.. of cuz have to make deals with one another la.. if not, cannot build hse.. sumtimes hor.. dunno why Kelvin's mouth like very poisonous la.. everytime he say things.. others players will kena others' properties and had to pay the rent la.. sum properties even got hses or hotels on them summore la..
Mana tau hor.. after taking the picture la.. it's my turn to roll the die and I rolled a 4.. my token was at Montreal before I moved it 4 steps ahead la.. I passed Go! but landed on Taipei (not in picture, property owned by Sui Yen).. alamak.. bad luck.. gotta pay her $4.5m.. haiz.. seems like the photo capture gave Sui Yen a bit of luck..
Nvm. continue play.. at one point, I went to jail la.. then when my turn comes la.. I tried rolling double to get out.. but 3 times also fail.. paid $500k first.. then the surfer lands on Toronto (Wen Jie's property).. forgot wats the amount.. but very small onli... still can afford la.. on my next turn.. I rolled a 5.. landed on Vancouver (Kelvin Wong's Property).. have to pay $14m.. I only had more $6m.. pay him the 6m first la.. then still owe him 8m woh.. how leh.. he gave me a deal.. I give him the 2 utilities and Rome.. then I no need to pay him the 8m.. Rome I can give him la.. but the utilites.. not sure wat to do.. (I had one utility at the beginning.. sumhow managed to exchange for the other one with Sui Yen la .. on a deal where I gave her both transports I have and she gave me the utility on one condition: whenever I land on one of the transports or she lands on one of the utilities, we won't charge each other anything). swt.. dunno wat to do lah.. even if I mortgage everything la.. still not enuf money to pay Kelvin.. he said the deal he offered was quite nice dy.. but sumhow, I refused n gave in.. handing all my money n properties to him.. so, the game ended just like that la.. he's gonna win anyway if the game go on
After we end our game, Shuyi say wanna go home dy.. so off she goes (Eric/Kelvin sent her home).. the rest stay on to watch the ongoing battle on the other side.. btwn 4 sides (Calvin, Eric, Edmund & Kerk).. Syanon was the 1st to be wiped out of the game.. Calvin's n Eric's forces of army look kinda weak compared to the other two fellas.. they're even on the brink of being eliminated la.. sumhow Calvin survived but Eric lost.. down to 3.. the game goes on.. sum big battles took place.. until one point hor.. Edmund n Kerk lock horns in the biggest battle of the whole game.. both sides have over 50 soldiers.. so the battle took quite a long time la.. to save time, Kelvin, me, Eric n Syanon played another game of Monopoly.. we go for another quick game la.. the same procedure took place lor... deals took place.. all 4 of us managed to get properties of the same colour.. wat I had this time was Riga (Latvia) and Montreal (Canada) plus Beijing n HK lah.. but they didn't bring me luck.. Calvin, watching us play, said he once owned the 2 places too.. but it din benefit him much either.. sweat..shudn't have agreed to the deal Kelvin gave me this time.. haiz.. I kena Eric's property later.. 6m.. but I had only abt 2m only.. pay Eric the 2m first, then I mortgaged the 2 expensive properties la.. sumhow I still owe Eric 250k.. I counted the money I had left.. ngam ngam 250k woh.. so pay him lor.. then we decide to end the game.. I'm gonna lose again anyway.. sigh.. overall, Kelvin n Eric were dominating while Syanon n me were the unlucky ones.. but Eric emerged victorious this time
When we finish our game, the big battle was over too.. Kerk won.. then we decide go yum cha lor.. but had to wait a while cos Wen Jie helping Sui Yen fixing computer.. so the rest chit-chat first.. after Wen Jie gao dim everything dy.. we go Ghany yum cha.. then sum of us decided to go play games at A Station.. but Ed n Wen Jie wanna go home dy.. so they balik la.. Eric, Syanon, me, Calvin n Kerk played CS Source la.. while Kelvin Wong & Sui Yen play L4D (Left for Dead).. we enjoyred ourselves there until 7am.. then we balik rumah masing-masing.. aaahhh.. wat a day.. I go sleep after that until 3 sumthing in the afternoon la.. now spending sum time typing the whole thing out in my blog..
Ok lah.. this is how I spend the 12 hrs with my frens.. wow.. time flies.. I got things to do.. catch ya next time. Happy Independence Day, everyone!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
End of Week 13
Nothing much happen though.. onli normal stuff la.. go school la.. pass up asgnmts blah blah blah
Mock newspaper submitted on Tues dy.. kinda satisfied with the asgnmt la.. but sum of the news I wrote ar.. din get publish lor. why.. not enuf space lor.. other grpmates also contribute news ma .. so no choice la.. onli the one on funfair n ELS exhibition inserted to The Voice.. others like the CF EM, movie reviews din get the chance lor.. nvm, at least did my best la..
Also hor.. I've decided to go CC camp after final exam.. this thing ah.. took me a long time to decide.. dunno why I mention abt it again lately.. maybe feel stressed gua.. nvm.. doesn't matter now.. I make decision dy to join church members in camp this time, rather than sesating wif CF gang..
Sumtimes I'm good at remembering stuff but sumtimes not.. esp coming to study abt exam la.. I sumhow like cant get wat I study into my memory.. got lost sumhow.. so find it hard to tackle the Qs in de psycho quiz la.. but nvm, no big deal.. jus a quiz onli ma.. shud focus on final exam.. more important.. perhaps I shud work hard to get gud grades in final exam later
Suppose today have class one.. mayb Mr Muthu baik hati enuf la.. say wanna give us a break la.. since all hav done presentation.. last lecture on next Wed..
Bar list our dy.. but glad dat I anm not lsited la.. if kena bar.. gotta retake the subject.. very horse rice (ma fan) one
Haiz.. sum peeps balik kampung dis week dy.. cos public holiday next Mon ma.. merdeka day.. sum balik yesterday dy.. sum balik today la.. me? stay here la.. why I din go back since my hometown so near? I also dunno woh.. mayb used to de life here dy gua..
My mommy now resting at home after eye operation.. a small surgery la.. later she wanna go KL visit my auntie woh.. pray that she can recover faster so she can go back to work again la
Got back sum asgnmts la.. mostly JR.. the marks I got quite ok.. Mr Wong told me I got over 80 for my morphy asgnmt woh.. kinda saitsfied with the marks I get la
Woooo... next week is the last one dy.. usually lecturer give tips during the last week of ev'ry sem la.. so shud go attend classes even though its optional la.. go also can, dun go pun boleh .. but I better go la.. at least can get sum tips for final exam
Mon no class.. can relax for a while.. but gotta buat kerja also la.. still got 1 more asgnmt, 2 more quiz, I more presentation.. haiz.. week 14 dy.. but all not yet gao dim.. swt
Also CF finale next Tues, 8.30pm at GKH.. look forward to hav sum fun n enjoy b4 d final exam
Ok la, dat's all I wanna say dis time.. catch ya next time.. ciao!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I've decided...
macam mana.. cannot go for both dy.. sob sob sob... have to pick one, but which one?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Presentation grps order decided
Just now, Mr Renu has finished his last lecture on bilingualism, thus ending all the lectures he supposed to teach us in Psycholinguistics this semester. At the end of the 2nd lecture, lots have been drawn to determine the order of presentation grps. This is the outcome:
1st: Winna, Eugene & Pei Ching
2nd: JL, Steffy & Pui Chee
3rd: Monics, Betty & ME
4th: Chia Huey, Bee Ling & Kim Yun
5th: Kwan Yi, Shao-Chin, Wai Fong & Yi Ling
6th: Pamela, Hannah & Helena
7th: Renjie, Ann, Jan & Manmeet
8th: Samantha, Nisha, Subatra & Seoh Chen
9th: Ivy, Joey & Grace
Presentation day: next Thurs (3rd Sept) - during tutorial
The first 4 grps present in the morning session while the rest in the afternoon.
Better start doing preparation from now.. quiz this Thurs.. mock newspaper submitted this morning.. Woooooooo! 1 more asgnmt, 1 more presentation & 2 more quizzes.. then final exam.. whoa.. busy, busy, busy
Monday, August 24, 2009
No more cell grps this semester
Glad that PC and KLynn are back.. and after a worship session, PC shared abt the mission trip there before she continued with today's session abt what is a church.. PC took charge of the whole session cos KL lost her voice when she reached home.. great sharing abt the topic and those who went for the session (Alex, Aaron, Steven, Yu Hsia, Shuyi & twin Shumin, Sally, Charmaine, Sarah, Koon Eu & me) shared their thoughts & opinions abt the topic discussed.. PC also announced that there will be no more cell next week, meaning this session was the last.. she mentioned cell will resume next semester and those who have joined in the XEE trainings will be coming back to join us (Eugene, Shirley Lee, Robert, Richard, Adeline, Patty, Daniel, Pei Lee, Irena)
Not only that, Kelvin Wong's CG has brought to an end too with the last session on last Sun at Anil's house.
Last session of bible study in CF tmr night...then next week will be the last CF meeting
I gao dim the news articles and sent them to my grpmates.. after that, I supposed to be doing revision for psycho quiz but.. somehow I can't really concentrate.. until now haven't finished revising yet.. but today, Eugene made the announcement that the quiz will be on Thursday.. so I hav more time to study.. to redeem back the time I've wasted for sleeping too much in the past few days..
Also, from what I've heard from Eugene.. during Mr Renu's lecture tmr, drawing lots will be done to determine the time slot and the order of the presentation grps.. kinda nervous.. not sure which time slot my grp will get, but I'll do my best for the last presentation of this semester
Mr Wong also gave some tips for the final exam but not the quiz next week.. he also cancelled next week's lecture cos next Mon (31 August) is National Day.
No Moral lecture this Sat.. as all the AV & EL students have done their presentation, Mr Muthu is 'baik hati' enough to give the students a break.. his last lecture is on 2 Sept (Wed, week 14)
CC cell on tonight.. glad to hear that PC & KLynn have returned from their mission trip to Sulawesi
Ok, folks.. that's all for today.. back to my studies.. ciao, peeps!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ups and Downs (End of Week 12)
On Monday, my psycho grp asgnmt was handed in.. nothing much happened on that day.. then I showed Mr Wong the progress of my Morphy asgnmt.. at night, it rained and I kept thinking the CC (Campus Connect) cell grp was on.. but I only realised that there wasn't any cells cos PC & KLynn was away on a mission trip to Sulawesi from 13 Aug until today.. guess they've returned safely and had a wonderful trip there
Tues.. nothing much happened in the daylight though.. only going to school as usual.. but the highlight of the day was the CF evangelistic meeting.. the skit was quite meaningful yet enjoyable.. Rev David Loo entertained the audience with a few songs and carried on with his sermon afterwards.. had an enjoyable time there
Wed.. Mr Paul has seen the 2nd draft of the 2nd asgnmt (pair work) done by Monica n me...there's sumthing wrong some of the sentences.. so he asked us to change them n showed it to him again the next day
Thu.. went to see Mr Wong after Mr Renu's tutorial.. shown Mr Wong my asgnmt which has been printed out.. he said basically it's ok.. jus need to change sumthing n include introduction n conclusion.. on the same day.. Monica & I showed Mr Paul the draft with the changes made on the errors again.. this time, he approved it & told us to carry on with the essay.. on that night, it rained heavily.. so I can't go for church service.. had to call Pei Lee to tell her that I can't come due to the rain.. actually I was on duty this time, but jus have to clean up after tea fellowship.. it's not that important, so Pei Lee said others on duty can cover for me
Fri.. done the necessary changes on the Morphy asgnmt.. printed it out & handed in to Mr Wong during his tutorial.. sent laundry to Danish House as usual.. got to know that the bar list is out, but glad that I wasn't in the list.. then my mock newspaper grpmates told me that I have to reduce the number of news due not enough space in our newspaper.. so I had to sacrifice the movie reviews & the CF EM was jus described as a brief.. spent some time editing the design & layout of our newspaper.. and we have to present on the design & layout during Ms Tan JJ's tutorial.. after class, it seemed like it's gonna rain, so I cepat-cepat balik rumah to continue working on the news articles and doing revision for psycho quiz
Reflecting on today itself, I was not in good condition in the beginning but felt much better at the end of the day
Yesterday, I was busy writing news for my mock newspaper and doing revision for psycho quiz next Tues.. only go to sleep at abt 2.30am this morning.. but in the middle of my sleep, I suddenly experienced constipation at around 6am... so had to visit the toilet for a while.. after I felt much better, back to dreamland again.. today I supposed to go Uni for Moral lecture at 8.. but I woke up at abt 9 sumthing.. and what's on today during Mr Muthu's lecture was jus presentations from the remaining 6 grps.. thought of going to class to give moral support to my coursemates who were presenting, but lazy to get up.. so continue to sleep until 11am.. then, my parents came to visit me.. feel happy cos the last time they came was abt a month ago.. around 12pm, they arrived and spent time with me.. helping out to clean my room.. when everyone was done, we settled down to have a chat.. then, my father noticed my eyes were reddish.. worriedly he quickly brought me to go see doctor.. after searching around both old town and new town, he decided to bring me back to Ipoh to see eye specialist as there aren't specialist clinics around Kampar.. so I travelled back to my hometown with my parents.. but while on the way to Ipoh, I had a terrible stomachache.. probably it was caused by the cakes that my mom brought to me when she came... went to toilet twice.. after that, I felt much better.. but sumthing strange and amazing happened.. the redness in my eyes was gone.. praise the Lord.. after having lunch, I went for a haircut.. oh my, that barber like wants to make me bald by trying to cut my hair off.. if my dad hasn't stop him in time.. I would have all my hair cut off.. anyway, nice haircut he gave me.. I feel more comfy now.. then I went back to my own house to take a rest.. my parents told that my brother came back yesterday.. great, haven't seen my brother for quite some time since he went to KDU to further his studies, now he's having his internship training at Intel in Kulim.. he worked there once as a technicianwhile waiting for his exam results.. that time he's studying in TARCollege Penang.. now he's an asst engineer there.. anyway, I spent some quality time with my family members.. then, after having enough rest at my house, I decided to return to Kampar on the same day.. so my parents fetched me back.. I'm back in my room around 9.30pm... after a word of prayer, my parents left and reached home safely at 10.. then I resumed my work.. finished the news articles & sent to my mock newspaper grpmates.. now Facebook-ing & reflecting on the events of today as well as this whole week here on my blog.
Happenings & events in the next few weeks.. mock newspaper due next Tues, psycho quiz on the same day.. AW asgnmt 2 due week 14.. morphy quiz on week 14.. psycho presentation (not sure when, to be informed by Mr Renu).. one more JR quiz.. then study week.. later final exam followed by camps... busy weeks ahead
Friday, August 21, 2009
Mixed feelings
First, I felt happy and relieved that I've finally hand in my Morphy asgnmt.. glad that I'm able to finish on time.. actually, Mr Wong has given the asgnmt in the beginning of the semester.. somehow, I'm busy with other asgnmts as well.. so delay the time to do the asgnmt.. but Mr Wong was kind, he extended the deadline twice.. I began working on the asgnmt only last week & managed to get it done during the weekends.. then I showed Mr Wong my asgnmt twice.. once on Monday, another yesterday.. i made the necessary changes and included the introduction and conclusion as well as table of content.. juz now, during Mr Wong's tutorial, I happily handed in my completed asgnmt & satisfied with my work.
Later, my mock newspaper grp members told me that I need to reduce the number of news I'm writing cos there isn't sufficient space to fit in all my news.. haiz.. dunno wat to do at that time.. gotta decide which news I have to sacrifice.. I have 7 pieces of news in my hand.. 4 hard, 3 soft.. the 4 hard news were funfair, ELS exhibition week, Campus Overcomer Seminar & CF evangelistics meeting (EM).. I've finished writing all the hard news yesterday, going to do the soft news ASAP.. 2 of the 3 soft news were movie reviews on Night at the Museum 1 & 2, while the other one is on how to manage stress and to set goals in life..I've decided to keep all the hard news, figuring out what to do with the soft ones.. Later I gave up on the movie reviews cos I thought they're gonna be lengthy.. the one on CF EM was jus being described as a brief..
Actualy, all the mock newspaper grp had to present the design & layout of their newspaper during tutorial..there were 6 grps in total, 2 grps of 4's, 5's & 6's each.. 4 grps presented in the morning session.. left with 2 more grps.. my grp of 5 (Steffy, Pui Chee, JL, Monics & me) & Eugene's grp of 6 (Winna, Pei Ching, Bee Ling, Kim Yun, Marigold & Gene himself).. the designs & layouts of both mock newspapers (The Voice-my grp & MGPress-Gene's grp) were equally good.. jus that there were areas to be improved..
Feel much relieved after the long day.. at least I've handed in my morphy asgnmt & done the presentation for the mock newspaper.. but as for those unpublished news of mine, I'll keep them as a memory esp. the one on EM cos this news can only be reported by me or Renjie as we're the only ones who attended the meeting.. but since RJ not gonna write the news, I did it although the news cannot be fully published in The Voice due to insufficient space.. but at least I'm satsfied with my works..
There's bad news.. the bar list is out already.. but good news for me cos I'm not barred.. from wat I've heard, only Rajina's name appeared.. strange, I thought she's deferred, how come her name is in the bar list.. not sure why, but as long as I'm eligible to sit for the final exam, I'm fine with it
Moral presentation tmr morning, but my grp have presented last week.. so juz go have a look on how the remaining 6 grps (3 from AV, 3 from EL-Ann's grp, Winna's grp and Hannah's grp).. all the best ya, ppl
What's in store for the remaining 2 week.. mock newspaper due next Tues.. psycho quiz 3 on Tues, presentation not sure when (to be informed by Mr Renu).. AW asgnmt 2 due week 14..then study week.. last but not least, final exam (22 days away from my first paper)... after final exam, go camping.. but still haven't decide which one to go yet.. both camps take place simultaneously at different venues.. CGBC The Amazing Race Campus Camp Edition 2009 (30 Sept-2 Oct, Kem Sentosa, Chenderiang, camp fees RM70, Rm10 rebate if register before 27 Aug) VS UTARCF We Are One Camp 2009 (30 Sept-3 Oct, Peacehaven Retreat Centre, Gentng Highlands, camp fees: members RM120, non-members RM130).. but I will choose the camp which benefits me more.. preferably the former.. got work to do, catch ya next time
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
CF Evangelistic Meeting

The evangelistics meeting (EM) started off with a worship session led by Kyle and Shu Ern, among the songs were Yesus Pokok dan Kita Cabangnya, This Is How We Overcome (felt like danced out the moves when singing this song but didn't in the end), Eagle's Wing, Hosanna, Open up the Gates, I Just Want You. Later, Joshua and Shirley, the emcees for the event, welcomed the CF members and new friends... Yu Hsia (UCR) & Shuyi were among the newscomers.
Then, the stage was handed over to those who involved in the skit to make their performance. The sketch, narrated by Shu Ern, was abt a girl from Banting, Jessica (played by Renjie) who was going to leave her parents (Kelvin Wong & Sui Yen) to pursue her studies in college (during the sketch, it was said she went to Utar Kampar)... while at the bus stop, Jess' mother was a little emotional cos her precious daughter was leaving her and her father to further her studies study... her parents gave her some advice (rmb to study hard, spend time with God & dun kap leng zai) before she left.. she soon arrived there and met a few housemates, Rebecca (Isabelle), Monica (Florence) & Veronica (Ezreena), who were staying in 1342 Westlake.. Jessica was a brilliant, hardworking student at first... she was the first to answer questions asked by lecturer (Chang En) during classes... she was busy studying all the time until one day her housemate dragged her out to go clubbing... there she was being influenced by other ppl... smoking, taking drugs, drinking... she even got to know a flirtatious guy JenJen Casanova (Jensen)... Jess often went out with him... until one day she found out JenJen was dating with another girl, Mika (Carlie).. and broke up with him.. her results has greatly affected & became unresponsive when the lecturer asked her to answer his questions.. her housemates were worried abt her... saying that she was totally different than she was when she first came.. they even mentioned that she distanced herself from spending time with God... later Rebecca & Monica had heart-to-heart talk with Jessica... after her housemates left, Jessica cried & remembered her parents' advice before she left to pursue her studies... she even spent some time reading the Bible & talking to God, asking Him for forgiveness... after a while, she's back to herself again...eager to go attend CF with her housemates.. there she was introduced to CF chairman, Eric (Ah Derk)... a skit was played during the meeting.. cool! a skit embedded in the whole skit...the skit was sumthing abt obstacles that prevent a girl (Sui Yen) from getting closer to the holy man (Shu)... in the end, the holy man managed to fend off the the devils (flirting, money, drugs & alcohols, beauty & attempted suicide; all these were played by Eric Ong, Calvin, Oneway, Ezreena & Kyle) and reunited with the holy man... it is similar to the skit Everything by Lifehouse.. the skit made Jessica realised that the sketch reflected her life after she was involved in unhealthy habits... in the end of the meeting she stepped forward and Eric prayed for her.. the end.. then the cast came together to sing Amazing Grace with Chris Tomlin's chorus My Chains are Gone.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
End of Week 11
I've done my Moral presentation today.. kinda satsified with it.. other presentation grps did well too, esp Marigold's (Chia Huey) grp.. lot of interaction among the guests
For the past week, as mentioned earlier, the ELS exhibition week was here as well as CF 2nd rec. drive... all 4 batches of EL students did amazing job for the exhibition.. but wat I've noticed is there aern't many students who visited the exhibition.. probably they're busy & don't have time to even take a look
Also, the Spelling Bee competition took place too.. just the 1st round to select the top 5.. and happy to say, I'm one of the 5 ppl qualified from my own Y2S1 batch
Apart from the exhibition, ELS also had a movie review on Thu & Fri where Night at the Musuem 1 & 2 was being screened repectively.. went for both sessions.. and I can say both movies were amazing indeed... artifacts come alive at night cos of the existence of the Tablet of Ahkmenrah
Well, now I have 4 more assignments to complete... 2 due next week and another due week 13.. there's a morpholgy quiz on week 13 or 14... final exam juz round the corner.. 28 days left b4 my first paper.. busy, busy, busy.. ok, catch u guys next time.. back to work
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This is an event organised specially for EL students to test their spelling and pronunciation of words. I've got the news abt the event from Hui Ching yesterday.. It's today, 2-5pm at A003.. and it's juz the preliminary round.. the best 5 will be chosen for the next round..
When I got there after lunch, Mr Krishnan was explaining the rules and regulations of the game to some of my coursemates and Y1S1 juniors
Mr Krishnan was the one who explained the rules.. to choose the 5, elimination process will take place. Whenever a participant spelled or pronounced wrongly a word, he/will be eliminated. Thie event goes like this: Mr Krishnan will say a word, the first person will say the word, spell it out and say it again, then the next person says a word, but the word must begin with the last letter of the word the previous person has mentioned.. the word must not less than 3 letters and repetition of the same word was not allowed.. the process goes on and on until 5 ppl left.
We had a demo first before the real thing began.. Y1S1 students will have a go first cos they have class later
After the 5 have been chosen, Y2S1 students stepped in.. Y1S2 has done the competition while Y2S2 not yet..
What I noticed during the competition was that most of the participants mentioned words that end with 'e's.. not only Y1S1, but Y2S1 (our batch).. there were only 9 ppl from my batch contesting: Manmeet, Renjie and her twin cousins Ann & Jan, Helena, Hannah, Eugene, Winna & me.
In the end, the 5 ppl who advanced to the next round were Manmeet, Renjie, Hannah, Helena & me
Will I be the Spelling Bee? not sure.. but wil work out some strategies to try staying long as possible & winning the mini competiition.
Monday, August 10, 2009
ELS Exhibition Week
Saturday, August 8, 2009
End of Week 10
Let me reflect on what happened during the whole week...
Mon: glad to hear that the deadlines for Morpho & Psycho assignments extended.. also Eugene made an announcement regarding the ELS exhibition next week.. so Mr Wong was kind enough to extend the deadline for another week
Tue: when Eugene made further announcement regarding the exhibition, everyone was shocked when Owen mentioned he wanted to join the junior to do the preparation for the exhibition... Eugene almost lost his cool, but he didn't...
That night, CF meeting as usual, this time Louie Giglio being our 'invited speaker'... he shared the sermon 'How Great Is Our God'... I was totally amazed by his sermon.. God is indeed awesome!
Wed: Had a shock to learn that Owen has dropped out from our batch, Mr Paul told us... he's the 4th person to leave us this semester... and the reason was totally shocking... no male counterparts in the batch... I was quite furious with the reason he gave, it doesn't make any sense at all... a meeting was held last week and his case was mentioned... Damn! Now the whole FAS knows that there are no guys in the batch.. it tarnished my image as a male... I won't forgive him in a hurry... probably I won't forever
Thu: heard from my EL seniors that there will be a movie review besides the exhibition... great, I haven't watch both the movies that will be on screen next Thurs & Fri... Night at the Museum 1 & 2... got the 1st movie in my own PC but haven't watch it yet.. anyway, called Hui Ching (ELS president) to reserve some tickets for me
I felt frustrated when I wanted to print out my first AW assignments.. went to more than 10 PCs in the Internet Lab 1 also cannot print out the essay and references.. somehow in the end, I managed to get the job done.. when I handed my completed assignment, Mr Paul said that there's some problem with the line spacing. Nvr mind, took back & did the correction.. priinted out the assignment that night... ready to hand in the next day
Fri: dunno what's wrong with me.. i woke up at 9am..but went back to sleep again.. probably insufficient sleep I guess.. when I got up again, it's almost 2pm.. I had a quick wash-up, rushed to school w/out eating lunch, got to Block A to put my assignment in the box outside Mr Paul's room, then headed to class.
On the same say itself, I got to know that the final exam timetable is finally on the Utar Student Intranet... and when I had a glance, it's exactly what I got from Eugene last Thu..
Today: nothing much happened though... juz PM presentations during this morning's lecture... 6 grps presented (5 grps from AV, 1 from EL - Betty, Ivy, Joey, Pamela & Grace)... all grps gave interesting performances... the way the presentation grps used were different from one another... my grp's presenting next week (me, Monica, Nisha, Subatra & Seoh Chen).. better start doing preparation.
Next wk's happenings:
10-13 Aug, Cafeteria - ELS exhibition week
10-12 Aug, 11am-2pm, Cafeteria, CF 2nd rec. drive
11 Aug - JR special reporting assignment due
13-14 Aug, 2pm-5pm, A003 (Auditorium), ELS Movie Review
15 Aug - PM presentation
Countdown: 35 days from my first paper in the final exam
Oh my! I have been active writing blogs this week.. 9 posts in the first 8 days.. better cut short on the amount of time spent online.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Final exam timetable finalised
And YES!! The exam timetable that I've heard from my fellow coursemates is exactly the same one.
Among the 4 current batches of EL students, I'm glad that my batch will be the first to finish our final exam... Sept 19 is the last paper while the remaining 3 batches (Y2S2, Y1S2 & Y1S1) will have their last paper btwn 24, 25 & 28 Sept.
Countdown: 36 days from my first paper (P.Moral, 12 Sept)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
This morning, after Mr Renu's tutorial, I went to cafeteria to have breakfast. Then, I met with my seniors.. Hui Ching, Crystal, Ponneey, Arthur.. they're part of the newly-chosen ELS committee.. it looks like they're setting up a counter in the cafeteria.. curiously, I went to see what's going on.. it turned out that there's goona be a movie review next week (refer to my pervious post, ELS Movie Review)..actually, I wanted to go to Block B at that time to print out my essay (which I was supposed to do when I went out for dinner last night, but I forgot abt it).. nvr mind, juz lend them a helping hand.. it didn't take much time to do the task anyway.. around 11am, I left for Block B to do the printing
When I got to Internet Lab 1, there's a number of computers that were vacant, Great! So I randomly chose one of them.. insert my pendrive.. opened the files.. and tried to print the essay and references. Error! No printer connected.. Damn.. I left the computer and went to another one... same problem happened. Went to another computer.. no printer connected again.. this happened a few times dy.. I was frustrated at that time.. tried more than 10 PCs also cannot get the job done.. not only no printer connected, there is one or two PCs which says unrecognised USB drive when I plugged in my pendrive.. there is even one computer which required the admin staff to log in to install the device.. u can guess how I felt at that moment.. but nvr mind, there are other labs.. so I went to B202, another Internet lab.. again, I chose one of the PCs and did the necessary procedures.AAAHHH! Finally, I was able to print out the essay and the references. Happily, I left and went ot Cafeteria for my lunch.
I wonder why there are problems with the computers in Internet Lab 1.. previously, it was closed temporarily for maintenance.. there shud be no problems after the maintenance.. but what happened today didn't meet my expectation. I hope ICTC Dept will get this fixed ASAP, though I didn't inform the dept abt the printing problem.
ELS Movie Review
Yup, that's right... a movie review. Details are as follows:
Date: 13-14 Aug 2009 (Thurs-Fri)
Venue: A003 (Auditorium Block A)
Movie: Night at the Musuem 1 & 2
The first movie will be shown on Thurs while the second on Fri.
2.00pm - Welcoming guests
2.30pm - Screening of the movie (the movie is abt 2 hrs)
4.30pm - Clean-up
Those who want to attend the movie review need to get tickets from ELS ticket booth. Members can redeem the tickets for free, while non-members have to pay RM2 for the tickets
Sale of tickets:
Date: 6, 7 & 10 Aug 2009
Time: 11am-4pm
Venue: Cafeteria
Limited seats only! Only 100 seats for each movie! Get your tickets while stocks last!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The 'Survivor' Course
A flashback
In the beginning, we have 35 students in our batch for the first semester... but, Cindy Lee is the first one who has withdrawn from the course cos she's got an offer from UMP (Universiti Malaysia Pahang). Then, Jen May broke her right arm in an accident and has to defer.. but glad to see she returned to her studies as our junior. During week 7 or 8, two girls came in.. Kim Yun and Yee Wei.. making the number back to 35 again. But at the end of Y1S1 semseter, we're left with 34 students due to the shocking withdrawal of Lim Julie. The number remained 34 (4 guys & 30 girls) for the Y1S2 semester.
Earlier this semester, Min Fong suddenly decided to withdraw. Ok.. now back to 33 again.. then, Rajina chose to defer cos her final exam results of first semester was terribly bad.. not b'cos she din do well.. juz she was admitted to hospital during last few weeks due to appendics.. her coursework marks were low cos she din pass up he assignment (can't blame her though, she was in the hospital). but she came back to sit for the final exam.
Chau Hwan has been mysteriously missing from class from the beginning of this semester.. he came for the first 2 days.. then, nobody has seen him afterwards.. we thought he wanished in thin air.. but it turned out that he's away for participation in a football competition. we wouldn't know where he went if he hadn't gave Monica a call.. he also said that he will return after July 3rd, that after Week 5.. we required to have at least 80% attendance to be eligible to sit for the final exam.. but he has been absent for more than 5 weeks.. if he came back, he will be barred from exam.. anyway, he withdrew.. saying he's no interest to study.. I wonder why he chose the wrong time to be absent from classes.. kinda surprsing cos he has better results than me.. if he has no interest of studying, why he was here at the first place.. I dun understand
Speaking of the latest person to drop out from our batch, O-Wen... he is quite a nice guy.. but lately, he's been acting strange.. when Mr Wong ended his classes earlier (even much earlier than Ms Cheng, lecturer for Structure & Grammar 2 but she finished her evening classes earlier so we can leave earlier), he straight away went to see Mr Krishnan, HOD of Linguistics and Language who was also our lecturer for Critical Reading & Thinking last semester.. dunno what's wrong with him.. too bad Eugene, our course rep, wasn't there to stop him cos he's, O-Wen dropped another bombshell.. dropping hints saying that he wanted to join the juniors cos their course structure is flexible, not like ours.. but that would cause him more trouble.. he has to take a few more subjects, inclusive one from ours... talking abt the reason he gave make me furious.. wanna know what he said? There isn't any male counterpart in our batch, he said. We learnt his case thru Mr Paul who mentioned a meeting which was held last Thursday and this was one of the agendas brought forward.. and Mr Paul's & Mr Wong's names were mentioned.. I'm not sure what happened during the meeting, but...
NO OTHER GUYS in the batch??
He's treating Eugene & me as if we don't exist at all. HELLO.. r we both transparent and invisible? I dun really understand why he gave such a stupid and illogical excuse. Doesn't make sense at all. No wonder he wanted to join our juniors to prepare materials for the ELS exhibition next week. When he first announced that, we're totally taken aback.. is his mind really corrupted or what? I think he really needs a break.. and most of the time, he said things without thinking
Now that he has withdrawn from our batch, the first tutorial group needs to choose another class rep as he was the class rep for that group.. wonder who will be bold enough to step up to replace him.. not much choices though.. 16 girls to choose from: Betty, Shao-Chin, Wai Fong, Hannah, Ann, Jan, Ivy, Joey, Yi Ling, Manmeet, Subatra, Mei Yun (Pamela), Renjie, Seoh Chen, Helena & Yin Mun (Grace). No matter who's the one being chosen, I hope she will carry out her responsibilities and duties well.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This is what I really want to praise the mighty Creator of the universe.
Today, CF resumes as usual... this week's special: movie sermon entitled How Great Is Our God by Louie Giglio... Yup, Louie is the director of Passion conference.. I went for Passion World Tour last year with fellow CGBC members... amazing experience I've earned from the tour
After the usual worship session, the time was handed to our so-called "invited speaker" for his sermon.. shown thru LCD.. the session began with Chris Tomlin handing over the stage to Louie... all the CF listened attentively to Louie's sharing.. but interruption occured in btwn with the clip stuck somewhere.. nvr mind, that part was skipped and the sermon continued
In his sermon, Louie explained that there were a few stars which is tremendously larger than the earth... one of them is the eye of heaven (the sun).. the temperature of its surface is extremely high... there were 3 more stars that he shared... I couldn't rmb the names.. but the sizes of the stars are much, much, much larger than u can imagine... can reach up to quadrilion (n.b. quadrilion = one thousand trillion).. the earth is juz like a golf ball... imagine how many golf balls u need to fill the humongous stars... Louie als shared an amazing thing that he found, laminin.. the shape of the laminin looks like the shape of a cross...I didn't know and realise abt that.. thanks a lot for the wonderful sermon, Louie... this makes me wanna worship and praise Him more and more, apart from His wondrous miracles
"WOW, all I can say is... WOW!!!" [quotation from (fluff)Friends on Facebook].. Our God is an amazing Lord God Almighty... He is indeed a wonderful Creator of the whole universe
Up to date, there are only 7 members who have 100% attendance so far this trimester... Isabelle, Calvin, Chang En, Shirley, Shu Ern, Renjie & ME!! Both Renjie & I were among the 3 person who achieved the feat in the previous trimester, Nesa a.k.a. Nesh being the other one.. but haven't seen him in CF recently, wonder what happened to him.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Assignment deadline extended
Mr Wong is so kind, so do Mr Renu... Psycho group assignment due date extended to 17 Aug
More time to do the assignments... but better finish ASAP, so I have time to prepare for the final exam
Good news!!! English Language Society is having exhibition next week... 10-13 Aug (Mon-Thu) at Cafeteria, time not confirmed yet... objective is to promote the ELS society
Also, CF 2nd recruitment drive next week... 11am-2pm, Mon to Wed, Cafeteria... new members are welcome to sign up while those who signed up during the 1st & were in the safe zone can register again, so their names can be officially inserted into the CF directory
Saturday, August 1, 2009
End of Week 9
This week, I had 3 exams... 2 midterm exams & 1 quiz... and I can say all of them weren't easy at all.. I had a tough time during the exams cos some questions I can answer while some I was totally blank abt the correct answers.. I can't really rmb everything that I've studied, maybe b'cos I wasn't concentrate totally while doing revision.. nvr mind, I did my best.. hopefully I can score well
I got to know abt my final exam timetable on Thursday.. heard from my coursemates.. the exam timetable is on my previous post.. 42 days away from my first paper.. better start doing revision from now onwards
Skipped three tutorial classes this week.. AW, JR & Morphology.. missed AW tutorial cos i overslept while skipped Friday's tutorials juz to have more to study for Moral midterm
Next week, I have to hand in my AW assignment 1.. haven't completed yet, juz in the first paragraph.. gotta work out on the essay. Also, there are other assignments as well... Morphology individual assignment, JR mock newspaper assignment (group work) & feature writing assignment (pair work), psycholinguistics group assignments.. presentations as well.. done my morphology presentation on Week 6, Moral presentation on Week 11, the rest not sure yet
Lots of things to do in the coming weeks.. so I shud plan & use my precious time wisely