This trimester has finally over with today the last day of class. Wow.... lots of things happened throughout these 7 weeks... assignments, presentations, quizzes, exciting CF Gatherings blah blah blah.
As for the last week itself, the usual things happen la... lecturers doing revisions & photo-taking session with our せんせい (sensei). Wow... in this trimester, I have seen lots of birthday cakes appearing much more frequently than the the rest of the trimesters.
The number of students who attend classes in せんしゅうとこんしゅう (senshu-last week & konshu-this week) become lesser. Why? The bar list was out last week. So knowing that they're eligible to sit for the final exam, some students decide not to attend the remaining classes.
3 assignments done this trimester... 2 was handed in udring Week 5 while another just yesterday... as for the Japanese quizzes & midterm test... I didn't do so well cos not able to rmb & recognise the Hiragana & Katakana characters. But as time goes by, I manage to cope up with them. Also I failed to do 2 MLE presentations cos not feeling well on both occasions. But I redeem the chance this week when Mr Lim gave Monica & I another opportunity to do so.
CF meetings or CGBC students' cell also came to an end. CF this trimester indeed is filled with excitement & fun. There's leadership workshop, team building, members' night & pot luck. Great time fellowshipping with one another. As for Campus Connect CG, discipleship training took place where students receive Disciple's Cross & complete it within this 7 weeks. Also during one of the sessions, 5 girls working on the ship Doulos came visit us and share abt their working life on the ship.
Exam's drawing near and so do Christmas & New Year 2010. CF had an early Christmas celebration on Tues where gift exchange took place while CC plans to have its celebration on 17 Dec.
Here are some of the photos (しゃしん-shashin) taken during this trimester:
EL のがくせいとせんせいリンさん(EL students and lecturer Mr Lim)
Back row: (L-R) Eugene, me, Mr Lim & Ivy
Centre row: (L-R) Samantha, Shao-Chin, Renjie, Ann, Jan, Kwan Yi, Wai Fong, Manmeet, Pei Ching, Mei Yun, Rajina & Subatra
Front row: (L-R) Grace, Joey, Helena, Pui Chee, Betty, Chia Huey, Bee Ling & Seoh Chen
Squatting: JL (left) & Nisha
わたしたちとチョンさん (Mr Chong & us)
Back row: (L-R) Renjie, Ann, Jan, Pui Chee, JL, me, Pei Ching, Chia Huey, Winna & Betty
Front row: (L-R) Arthur, Jia Wei, Joyce & Mr Chong
Mr Lim & I
Mr Chong & me
Me with Ms Chong
Joint birthday celebration of Shirley (2nd left) & Renjie (2nd right)
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