Saturday, April 3, 2010

End of Week 11

It's the end of week 11 and I'm back in my hometown to celebrate Easter with my family.

I returned to CC Monday cell and CF this week after skipping a few times because of assignments, tests and presentations. Now I'm not so busy compared to previous packed weeks. I can take some time to relax myself for the remaining weeks. Of course, I have 2 more assignments and presentations that I need to work on. And the final exam is getting closer.

There's worship all day long during CF this week and they planned to celebrate Easter but didn't at the end. Campus Connect also had Easter celebration as well but there isn't any sketches this time, unlike last year where I was part of the Easter drama cast. Sis Shirley presented a song while Ps Chan shared his message on ressurection of Christ. In conjunction with Easter Day, CGBC Ipoh is having Easter Musical for 2 days, yesterday and today. I have missed yesterday's session and hope that I can go tonight.

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