Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Party drugs hazard talk

I went for a talk on party drugs @ Campus Connect just now and gained knowledge from the talk conducted by Dr Daniel Tan. Whoa... it's indeed an eye-opener.

The crowd isn't big, just about 15 ppl. Still the show must go on. Dr Daniel explained about different types of party drugs and effects. Only a few were highlighted though, namely ecstasy pills, crystal meth ('Ice'), syabu, ketamine and rohypnol (the latter two can be used as date-rape drugs). Also, Dr Daniel provided some solutions to this problems. Then, Q & A session. Many questions were raised and Dr Daniel answered them well, allowing members of the floor to gain extra information from the talk.

Later, there's a birthday celebration for twins Shuyi & Shumin, who turned 21 today. A cake was bought from JusToEat for this celebration. It was exactly the same cake that Renjie had when the CF had a joint birthday celebration for Shirley Kwong & her last year. Besides them, my brother David's and my EL junior Daryl's birthday fall on the same day as well. Happy blessed birthday to the 4 of u! All the best to everyone esp Shuyi who's having her final exam at the moment.

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